Today, we have another mission in China, this time it's a Terror mission in Shanghai. The Chinese army was able to repel most of the attack on the city, but there's a rail yard they haven't been able to secure yet, and Chinese intelligence estimates there are about 40 people in the area, including a recon team they sent in that's an hour overdue.
Anyway, on to the mission! Today's team is:
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Our rocketeer, Boom Boom |
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Our engineer, Chilong |
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Our assault, Geronimo |
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Our sniper, Checkmate |
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Our infantry, Zilch |
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Our other assault, Caper |
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Our medic and squad leader, Scooby |
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And our other infantry, Plunder. |
Chilong grenades them, to limited effect.
Zilch lands a hit on a Chryssalid...
...Caper kills one...
...Geronimo kills another...
...Boom Boom and Checkmate steady aim...
...and the last one goes down to overwatch fire.
Caper moves up to rescue a civilian, and she makes contact with a second Chryssalid pod.
Thanks to Close Encounters, she gets a free shot at the nearest Chryssalid, after which she uses her regular shot to finish the job.
Geronimo goes out to save a group of civilians, only to make contact with a pod of Zombies.
If the Chryssalids are any indication, I think we know what happened to the recon team, and probably the majority of the civilians trapped here. We need to finish this quickly before it becomes another Newfoundland.
Well, Geronimo is in trouble.
Geronimo used Run and Gun, so he can't reload. Guess the only thing to do is attack and hope for the best.
Meanwhile, Chilong and Plunder take out a Chryssalid.
Scooby orders Geronimo to fire again. The fewer Zombies there are, the less likely it is that he'll be attacked.
Checkmate lands a solid hit on a Zombie, but fails to kill it. The ballistic weapons are showing their age.
However, Geronimo does manage to kill a Zombie with his next shot.
Boom Boom puts the hurt on the last Chryssalid...
...and Zilch goes on overwatch, hopefully to shoot a Zombie.
Nope. He just manages to kill the Chryssalid before Caper does.
Geronimo catches a Zombie double-moving toward him on overwatch, but of course fails to kill it.
That said, the Zombies did manage to kill a couple civilians.
Geronimo is definitely glad for Checkmate's support. That shotgun is completely empty.
Zilch hits a Zombie...
...but then immediately needs to reload.
Caper rescues a civilian and reloads.
Geronimo does the same.
Plunder hits a Zombie twice and fails to kill it.
However, we have Scooby on cleanup once again.
Boom Boom steadies aim once again.
Chilong takes aim...
...and kills another Zombie.
Contact! Zombies, maybe 4 or 5 of them!
Correction, about a dozen!
The last Zombie of the first pod skulks around the rear and kills another civilian.
Next turn! Boom Boom whacks the Zombies with a shredder rocket. There's just an acre of you fellows, isn't there?
Checkmate finishes off that last Zombie.
Zilch zilches another Zombie.
Chilong grenades the nearest cluster of Zombies.
Plunder reloads.
Geronimo darts up, ready to CCS any incoming Zombies to death.
Speaking of death...
...Caper manages to get herself no fewer than 2 Zombie kills in one round of shooting.
Contact! Even more Zombies! Well, it wouldn't be a AAA title without a Zombie Apocalypse mode...
Scooby overwatches, and prepares for the worst.
Correction: Caper scores three kills in one round of shooting.
Scooby hits a Zombie on overwatch...
...but it wasn't enough to kill, and a civilian paid the price for Scooby's lack of stopping power.
Caper takes the legs out from under a Zombie, but it's still a threat.
Plunder hits another Zombie on overwatch.
A Zombie approaches a civilian.
Another Zombie approaches and kills a different civilian.
The last pod of Zombies decides to gang up on Geronimo. Fortunately, none of them could get into clawing range.
Next turn! Boom Boom burns a hole through a Zombie's head. So deadly with her laser SMG...
Caper reloads.
Geronimo leaps behind a boxcar and hits a Zombie.
Zilch zilches another Zombie.
Chilong hits a Zombie...
...and Plunder kills a Zombie in two shots.
Scooby finishes off another Zombie...
...and Checkmate checkmates another Zombie.
In the aliens' turn, that bastard Zombie shows its face again and goes after another civilian.
Caper finishes off another Zombie on overwatch.
Geronimo goes in for the kill...
...and kills the Zombie.
Checkmate finishes off the last Zombie.
Op success! This Terror mission went better than the last one, I think. At least we didn't lose another engineer.
Promotions for everyone! Welcome back!
As usual for Terror missions, a piss-poor haul.
No good deed goes unpunished. The aliens seem to be focusing their efforts in China.
If that's the case, then their efforts might be paying off. China's threatening to leave the Council unless we do something.
Back to the Hologlobe!
Alien abductions in South Africa!
Congo's leading this one, with the only change to her loadout being a laser rifle instead of a laser carbine. This is a light Abduction mission, so I'm bringing a bunch of rookies for training purposes.
Santa's coming along to capture things. He's only a Corporal, so he doesn't have Repair, but maybe one is all we'll need.
Shearer is our scout, who is also carrying a rifle instead of a carbine because the rookies will need them instead.
Special contributor Frost needs training as a sniper, so she's coming along.
We're bringing a total of 4 rookies on this one. The first, PFC Namuswa, packs an AP grenade.
PFC McAuliffe carries ceramic plates and full body armor to buff her terrible HP.
PFC Decoster also has an AP grenade.
Finally, PFC Ahonen also needs ceramic plates to buff poor HP.
Strike One has reached the Abduction site.
And that's where I'm going to leave this update here for today. Join us tomorrow for Operation Silent Justice! Remember, you too can join the fight by going to and subscribe today! Every subscriber gets to have a rookie named after them!
Can't subscribe to my Patreon campaign, but still want in on the program? Go here to see how you can get in: With that, I hope to see you next time!
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