Today, we're taking on an alien battleship. More specifically, a battleship that we've lured away from its intended target. It's expecting to be resupplied before it attacks Beijing, but we're coming aboard to rob them blind.
We have Chilong's device tied into the Skyranger's navigation system, which has disguised the Skyranger as a small resupply UFO, making it a Trojan Horse of sorts, complete with enemy soldiers aboard to wreak havoc once it's past their defenses. Our goal is to take out all aliens aboard the UFO, and find a way to soft-land the thing so we can strip it of everything we can.
Big Sky gets past the battleship's defenses and makes a successful touchdown. Our team today is:
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Our gunner, Smokey |
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Our squad leader, medic Congo |
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Our rocketeer, Boom Boom |
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Our assault, Geronimo |
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Our crit infantry, Bull |
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Our scout, Shearer |
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Our special contributor, sniper Frost |
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And our other infantry, Trips. |
No contact after breaching, but we've spotted something that Dr. Shen believes to be a power conduit of sorts. He believes that if we can disable them all manually or destroy them with explosives, it'll cause the battleship's antigravity drive to fail. Since the UFO's hovering instead of flying, its antigravity drive is already spun up and will lose power gradually like a blimp with a punctured lifting envelope, and not all at once like an airplane missing a wing. No piloting skills required.
Frost takes up a position on the high ground and steadies aim.
Boom Boom and the rest of the squad advance. Boom Boom steadies, in case we need a rocket pronto.
The rest of the squad overwatches.
Big Sky reports that alien contacts have appeared right on top of the Skyranger. The flight crew has sealed the cabin and taken up defensive positions in case the aliens get through the bulkhead.
Trips and Smokey double back to take out the Thin Men to the rear, but Trips fails to hit.
Frost steadies aim, in case more contacts show up.
Boom Boom also steadies.
The rest of the squad overwatches.
Trips misses two more 50% chances to hit in a row.
Frost and Boom Boom steady again.
The rest of the squad overwatches.
Trips needs to reload.
Frost and Boom Boom steady again.
The rest of the squad overwatches.
Smokey gets a covering fire shot on the Thin Man as it attempts to take a shot at him, but misses.
The Thin Man, however, does not, and actually crits Smokey while he's in full cover.
My next turn, Congo moves up and heals Smokey twice.
No, I didn't accidentally post the same image twice. Trips has now officially missed 5 50% chances to hit in a row.
As what is rapidly becoming a tradition on this mission, Frost and Boom Boom steady, and the rest of the squad overwatches.
Statistically speaking, Trips should have hit this Thin Man three times by now. As it stands, he's missed 6 50% shots in a row. I swear you're a statistical anomaly, Trips.
Failing to hit so much means that Trips runs out of ammo quickly, with absolutely nothing to show for it.
Frost and Boom Boom steady aim, and the rest of the squad overwatches.
Smokey gets another Covering Fire shot, and this time kills the Thin Man. Finally!
According to Big Sky, there's still one more alien in our LZ, so Trips, Geronimo, Shearer, and Smokey double back to hunt it down.
Frost and Boom Boom steady aim once again...
...and the rest of the squad overwatches.
Next turn! Shearer finds the other Thin Man and flanks it, but fails to kill.
This sounds like a job for Geronimo.
"How does it taste?"
Now that the Thin Men to the rear have been dealt with, it's time to make some progress in bringing this UFO down. Boom Boom steadies.
As does Frost.
The rest of the squad overwatches.
While getting to a better firing position, Smokey makes contact with a pod of Mutons.
Correction: two pods. Six Mutons in total. This will end well.
Bull moves to cover and gets a hit on one of the Mutons on high ground.
Boom Boom follows up with a rocket to destroy their cover and spread the
Trips moves up and hits another Muton. Red Fog should make those two less useful.
Congo takes aim at a wounded Muton...
...and gets the kill! Only five Mutons remain.
Frost backs up out of grenade range and steadies aim.
Smokey overwatches, to make the Mutons' advance a hazardous prospect.
One Muton leader attempts to retreat, and Smokey gets a solid hit on it. Excellent.
The Muton retaliates, getting a hit on Smokey.
Another Muton gets a shot on Smokey and hits!
Smokey got killed! Smokey's dead! NOOOOOOOOO!
Another Muton takes a shot at Boom Boom, but thankfully misses.
Boom Boom responds with a shredder rocket. Anything that makes it easier to kill these things is good right now.
Trips gets a hit on the far Muton, but it's not enough to kill.
The second shot, however, was more than enough to finish the job.
Congo hits a Muton, but fails to kill it.
Bull makes short work of the one Muton he can see.
Frost moves up and steadies aim.
Shearer overwatches.
A fresh Muton went to high ground, but made the mistake of allowing itself to be flanked. Frost gets the kill.
Boom Boom lets loose her last standard rocket, whacking a bunch of clustered Mutons.
Trips needs to reload.
Congo misses a Muton.
Shearer moves to flank the Mutons, and Bull finishes off the turn with an overwatch.
Bull's overwatch shot successfully kills a retreating Muton.
In the aliens' next turn, however, the Muton hit Bull for some serious damage. I took a screenshot, but Blogger doesn't seem to like downloading that particular one for reasons passing understanding.
A Muton takes a potshot at Shearer, but fails to hit.
The other Muton moves up for reasons unknown, because it let itself be flanked by Shearer despite the fact that its teammate shot at her literally just now.
Predictably, Shearer kills the Muton.
Bull misses the Muton that jumped to high cover in low ground.
Don't feel bad, Bull. Frost also missed it.
Boom Boom kills the last Muton on elevated ground.
Geronimo moves up to attack the last Muton, while Congo heals Bull back up to full HP.
Bull reloads.
Geronimo goes in for the kill, but ultimately can't get a shot on the last Muton.
Trips goes on overwatch. That Muton isn't going anywhere.
Sure enough, the minute that Muton takes aim at Boom Boom, Trips lands a hit on overwatch with Covering Fire.
The Muton, perhaps hindered by Red Fog, misses Boom Boom.
A Chryssalid drops down from behind. This can't be good.
Geronimo drops down next to the Muton and performs an emergency craniectomy.
Congo reloads.
Frost moves up and steadies aim.
Shearer reloads her carbine.
Trips leads the squad in a round of overwatches.
Next turn, a Thin Man drops down on one of the turrets and overwatches.
Boom Boom's overwatch shot misses it.
Frost hits it, but fails to kill.
Boom Boom reloads her laser SMG.
The squad overwatches.
Geronimo hears movement from the direction of the Thin Man's last known position.
The Thin Man attempts to get a better firing solution, only to discover that it had fallen into Trips' own overwatch trap.
Trips reloads.
Frost steadies aim again.
The squad overwatches.
And, contact! A pod of two Floaters and a Muton coming up on our flank! Bull has an overwatch shot, but will it be enough? Find out tomorrow, in Operation Devil's Paramour, part 2! Remember, you too can join the fight by going to and subscribe today! Every subscriber gets to have a rookie named after them!
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