Today, we have another Abduction mission, this time not in Germany. Instead, it's on a large dam in Rajkot, India that looks like it's on the verge of collapse (probably due to alien attack, and not a commentary on the state of Indian infrastructure).
On to the mission! Our team today is:
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Our gunner, Schuster |
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Our infantry, Albright |
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Our medic, Congo |
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Our other infantry, Yamazaki |
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And our rookies Lejeune, |
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Kostopoulos, |
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Tat, |
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And van der Heijden. |

The squad advances and overwatches...
...and contact! Two Sectoids.The Sectoids return...
...and fall right into my overwatch trap! Lejeune lands a hit...
...while van der Heijden and Congo both miss. Well, one out of three isn't bad.
The Sectoid opens up on Kostopoulos, but misses...
...and contact. This time, a Seeker and a Thin Man.
Schuster smacks the Seeker around with his LMG, but fails to kill.
Kostopoulos doesn't quite get a flank on the Seeker...
...but he does get the kill.
Lejeune sprints for the Meld, right into a Sectoid's overwatch. Fortunately, it fails to hit.
Meanwhile, Congo misses the Sectoid...
...while Albright gets the kill!
Yamazaki and van der Heijden overwatch.
In their turn, the aliens back off to what they seem to think is a safe distance.
Lejeune secures the Meld...
...and misses the Thin Man.
Don't feel too bad Lejeune. Congo's a much better shot than you, and even though she had the thing flanked, she still couldn't hit.
Next turn! The aliens buggered off again, so the squad advances to keep the pressure on. Congo reloads...
...and everyone else overwatches.
That cheeky little Sectoid takes a potshot at Kostopoulos, but misses.
Schuster misses the Sectoid in turn...
...but Kostopoulos gets a hit! Not a kill, but it's something!
Tat advances and makes contact with a pod of three Floaters. Exactly what I need right now.
One Floater, thanks to the Itchy Trigger Tentacle second wave option, decides to take a shot at Tat than run for cover. It missed.
Tat does not. However, it's becoming clear that ballistic carbines are woefully inadequate against the aliens at this tier. I want my laser guns.
Yamazaki misses a Floater. Well, you're only a Specialist. I didn't exactly expect you to hit anyway.
The rest of the squad overwatches for good measure.
Albright gets an overwatch shot on a Floater, but misses...
...but fortunately, the Floater also misses its shot on Lejeune.
This little Floater launches...
...and lands right behind my lines. Excellent. It's exactly where I want it.
Meanwhile, the Floater shoots at Lejeune again...
...and this time, it hits, and he understandably panics.
Speaking of panicking, you'll never guess what happened to Kostopoulos after a Sectoid Mindfrayed him.
Albright misses the Floater to our rear.
However, Schuster also has a shot on it...
...and shortly thereafter has a kill. I told you it was exactly where I wanted it.
Congo moves up to give Lejeune some TLC...
...while Tat reloads.
Yamazaki, while attempting to flank the Sectoid, discovers where the Thin Man is hiding...
...and takes an ineffectual 66% chance to hit shot, missing it entirely.
Albright reloads...
...and van der Heijden gets her first Floater kill.
In the aliens' turn, the Thin Man runs to greener pastures...
...while the Floater hits van der Heijden and makes her panic.
Albright's two shots are both ineffectual against this Floater... is Schuster's one.
Kostopoulos reloads...
...while Lejeune exacts some high explosive revenge. Doesn't get any kills, though.
Tat spots the Meld while moving in to get a better shot on the Floater...
...and blows the hell out of some clouds. Good job.
At least Yamazaki hit the Floater...
...but now she has to reload.
Van der Heijden misses the Floater that shot her...
...and Lejeune is our sole overwatch.
The Thin Man sprays Congo and Lejeune with acid...
...the Floater misses van der Heijden...
...and the Sectoid takes the turn to reload.
Schuster rips the Floater a new one, taking it down.
Yamazaki flanks and kills the Sectoid...
...and Tat reduces the Thin Man to a cloud of acid.
Op success!
Promotions for everyone! Welcome back!
We also got a pretty decent haul from this mission. 44 Meld is a good amount.
India is grateful for our efforts.
So, time for some base construction. Right now, we're just expanding the base. Because of the location of our Thermo Generator, I think I'll eventually move the Satellite Uplink above it over to the left so I can put in a power generator or something. That way, I can get an adjacency bonus for power generation. The three blocks I have immediate access to around my other steam vent will comprise my energy base once I've built another Thermo Generator over that steam vent. The top right block is where I'm going to put my Officer Training School, because I think it's high time I had field officers. Below that, I'll put my Alien Containment facility, and the bottom two levels will house my Workshop and Lab complexes.
Also, we're getting some laser guns. This is not optional.
Back to the Hologlobe!
Brazil wants my Sectoid corpses. Well, I'm beginning to run out of them, and I kinda need to do an autopsy at some point...
...and we have a UFO contact! Judge, go up there and take a look. Nothing fancy, no heroics, just get up there, see what's there, and come back without getting hit.
I think this one's a Raider.
Break off, Judge! Didn't I tell you to not get hit!?
And, we have the next Council Report. I swear that UFO appeared just to try to throw my score off at the last possible moment. Still, all is well so far.
And, I have money now! I need more laser guns, specifically of the carbine variety!
Laser SMGs? Sure, I'll take those, too!
And, for good measure, I'll take a laser not-so-sub-machine gun, too!
Also, we need more planes.
Back to the Hologlobe!
My targeting module is finished!
Excavation of my building site is complete, so let's build an Officer Training School! I have money!
Back to the Hologlobe...
...and we have a Council mission. Friends In Low Places, to be exact.
We're screwed.
Okay, so in the past month we've had Portent and the first Terror mission literally back-to-back. We got a brief respite with a simple Abduction mission in India, but now we have the VIP extraction mission that kickstarts the Operation Slingshot mission pack. This could end very, very badly.
But first, promotions. Schuster made Lance Corporal and gained Holo-Targeting. I'm thinking of building him into a bullet wizard (a Mayhem gunner who throws on a bunch of effects on groups of clustered enemies with Suppression). That could be fun.
Yamazaki makes Lance Corporal and gains Executioner, which is a perk that grants a bonus to Aim and crit chance if her target is at or below half health. Given that I'm building her into a crit-spam infantry, this will serve her the best out of the perks available.
Meanwhile, Albright also makes Lance Corporal and gains Covering Fire.
Tat makes Specialist and becomes a scout. We need more scouts.
Kostopoulos becomes an engineer. Engineers are always useful.
Van der Heijden becomes a medic, mostly because her stats don't exactly rate anything more specialized.
Lejeune becomes an Assault, which is always fun.
Anyway, we should probably select our team for this mission. Rosalie Giraud of France is our scout today. Given that this mission is loaded with Thin Men, we'll need all the bullet-dodging skills we can afford.
Scooby's coming along on this one, with the standard medic loadout.
Boom Boom is back and ready to blow something up with the standard rocketeer gear.
Checkmate will be invaluable on this mission, as where we're going has excellent sight lines for most of the map. Checkmate's packing the targeting module for better chance of killing something.
Zilch is coming along as one of our infantry.
Crash is coming along, toting her LMG.
Plunder is our infantry for this op. It seems like most of our team for this mission also went on the Terror mission.
And last and probably least, Kostopoulos is coming along as our engineer.
Strike One has reached the mission site. Let's go.
And, that's where we'll leave this update for today! Join us tomorrow
for Operation Forgotten Line! Remember, you too can join the fight by
going to and subscribe today! Every subscriber gets to have a rookie named after them! With that, I hope to see you next time!
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